Updated: May 27, 2022
I thought it would be useful to give some interesting contextual information about Mario José Calix Hernández, Tony Hernández’s middle-man. In 2019, Honduran newspaper El Tiempo reported that Mario José Calix Hernández turned himself into the DEA. But he was mentioned in the NY courtroom several times during Tony Hernández’s trial.
New York Times’s reporter Emily Palmer posted a live tweet thread of collaborating witness, Victor Hugo Díaz Morales “El Rojo”’s testimony today in the New York Southern District court. These tweets mention Mario José Calix.

Who is Mario Jose Calix Hernández?
According to the United States Department of Justice:
“CALIX HERNANDEZ, 36, a citizen of Honduras, is charged in three counts in a separate Superseding Indictment: (1) conspiring to import cocaine into the United States, (2) using and carrying machineguns and destructive devices during, and possessing machineguns and destructive devices in furtherance of, the cocaine importation conspiracy, and (3) conspiring to use and carry machineguns and destructive devices during, and to possess machineguns and destructive devices in furtherance of, the cocaine importation conspiracy. “ – press statement by NY District Attorney’s Office.
Mario José Calix Hernández is not only Tony Hernández’s middle-man but he is also a man connected to powerful individuals in the Honduran government. Just examining Calix Hernández’s family relationships with people in power in Honduras, one really gets the sense of the US and Canadian-backed narco-mafia state that Honduras has become.

Maria Calix Hernández is also:
- Calix is Tony Hernández’s right-hand man although there is no known family relation. Calix Hernández is a “co-defendant and co-conspirator of Tony Hernández” according to US prosecutors
- He is the former vice mayor of Gracias, Lempira (JOH’s home town)
Who are Mario Jose Calix Hernández’s family members?

Lourdes Alejandra Hernández Quan (source: here)
- Niece of Iris Hernández Cruz, the mother of Mario Calix Hernández
- Vice-Minister of Security
Patricia Calix Hernández
- Mario Calix Hernández’s sister
- Feryd Bascha Sahury’s spouse (see below)

Feryd Bascha Sahury (source: here and here)
- Spouse of Patricia Calix Hernández, Mario Calix Hernández’s sister
- Vice-Minister of the Presidential palace, Sub-secretary of Integration and Human Development, formerly the Executive Director of the National Youth Institute
- Was a candidate for deputy Congressman in 2012 for Fernándo Lobo, cousin of Fabio Lobo, who is in prison in NY for drug charges.
- Feryd Bascha is also currently accused of fraud involved in a scheme to illegally transfer property titles in the National Property Institute in the names of other people.
Mario Leonel Calix Hernandez (known as “Charamila”) (source: here)
- Mario José Calix Hernández’s brother
- Business associate of Ana Garcia de Hernández , JOH’s spouse through a television company based in Gracias, Lempira.
- President of the Chamber of Tourism in Gracias, Lempira (JOH’s home town)
Jacobo Antonio Calix Hernandez (source: here)
- Mario Calix’s brother
- Former Magistrate in the Criminal court in the Supreme Court.
- Part of the Supreme Court that ordered President Manuel Zelaya’s ouster and arrest during the 2009 coup d’état
- Publicly accused in 2016 of emitting a ruling that favored judges known and accused by the Ministerio Publico of protecting drug traffickers

Soraya Calix
- Mario Calix Hernández’s first cousin
- Director of the Office for the Fight Against Drug Trafficking in the Attorney General’s office
Erika Yolanda Calix Hernandez (source: here)
- Mario José Calix Hernández’s sister
- Former criminal court judge in department of Lempira. He is accused of abuse of authority for freeing two Colombian drug traffickers arrested when Honduran authorities raided a drug laboratory in La Iguala, Lempira. Both Colombians were defended by Tony Hernández’s legal firm.
Jacobo Hernandez Calix (source: here, here and here)
- Mario Calix’s uncle.
- Ex-President of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE)
- Former Presidential advisor under the administration of President Rafael Callejas, who pleaded guilty for racketeering and wire fraud conspiracy charges in the US linked to the FIFA scandals. Callejas passed away while waiting to be sentenced in the U.S.