Main Points of the Day
- After an hour and a half delay, the judges proceeded to announce the verdict WITHOUT guaranteeing the trial was being live streamed for all to see and hear. The level of police presence at the courthouse and inside the courtroom increased, which is normally a sign of a guilty verdict.
- The judges unanimously declared six of the water defenders – Eber Alexander Cruz, Jose Abelino Cedillo, José Daniel Marquez, Kelvin Alejandro Romero, Porfirio Sorto Cedillo, Olbin Nahun Hernandez – GUILTY of illegal detention and aggravated damages against Santos H. Correa (Inversiones Los Pinares security supervisor} and aggravated and simple damages against mining company Inversiones Los Pinares. The judges made no mention of the charge aggravated arson. Two other water defenders – Arnold Alemán and Jeramías Martínez – were ABSOLVED of all charges.
- All six of the defenders found guilty will remain in detention until the first of two sentencing hearings scheduled on Monday February 21, 2022 at 9 am or until the amnesty is applied (see more below).
- Arnold Alemán was released from the Olanchito prison around 5:30 pm where five of the other water defenders will remain. Jeremías Martínez remains imprison over night in La Ceiba while the lawyers resolve the paperwork for him to be released.
- An amnesty for individuals criminalized for defending their water sources, rivers, and territory was passed last week by the Honduran National Congress. The Guapinol legal team and the water defenders have presented a request for the amnesty to be applied. The court must respond within three days by law.
- Several state institutions and non-government organizations expressed their deep concern with the guilty verdict. These include the National Human Rights Commissioner (CONADEH), the Ministry of Human Rights, the UN Special Rapporteur the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders, COPINH, among others.